Launch Pad Partners With Revera To Offer March Break Camp Exploring Careers In Rural Health Care

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Over March Break Launch Pad Youth Activity and Technology Centre hosted nine youth aged 14-18 in a three day program “Exploring Careers in Health Care” in an effort to highlight all the different careers in Health Care over and above the traditional careers of doctors and nurses.

“Launch Pad’s foundational funding comes from the Town of Hanover’s Economic Development Department which means Launch Pad has a mandate to contribute to the economic and workforce development of our local community.  When it was brought to my attention that health care, and in particular our local long-term care centre, was in need of strengthening their workforce, I knew we could help and it was an honour to help.”  Emily Morrison, Executive Director, Launch Pad YATC.

The first activity on their first day was a meet and greet and tour of the Hanover & District Hospital followed by interviews with many different practitioners at the Hanover Family Health Team.  That same afternoon, three volunteers from our local St. Johns Ambulance let the youth check out their ambulatory vehicles and discussed what it meant to be a paramedic and a St. John’s Ambulance Volunteer. 

The second day was led by the Sandra Hong, Public Education Coordinator of the Alzheimer Society Grey-Bruce.  The youth learned about and discussed the Alzheimer Disease in addition to completing the certificate program Gentle Persuasive Approach, a ‘must have on the resume’ in today’s health care employment opportunities.     

The final day was a full day spent at The Village Seniors Community by Revera.  A hands on experience offered youth the chance to understand what long-term care means, tour the facility, in addition to dressing wounds and giving needles, all in mock situations of course!  The youth also achieved Introduction to SALT (Safe Ambulation Lifts and Transfers) training – another highly recognized skill that can be added to their resumes.

“The opportunities Launch Pad YATC is providing the students in our community is just one of the many reasons why this is the best place in the province to live. Being able to partner with Launch Pad during the ‘Exploring Careers in Health Care’ Program and have the students come into our home was so important to the Village Seniors Community by Revera because it allowed us to play a role in building that sense of community. We were thrilled with the chance to lead our local youth, connect with them and provide them with meaningful and tangible training that will better prepare them to succeed as they move forward with their education and into their respective careers.” Dylan Subject, Executive Director Revera – The Village Hanover

April Marshall, Economic Development Manager at the Town of Hanover was instrumental in bringing to partnership between Launch Pad and Revera together. “We are very proud of the partnerships formed with our business community to cultivate our workforce. By exposing youth to local career options we are showing them our investment in their future, while supporting business in their labour force attraction efforts. Developing a skilled workforce and retaining our youth is essential to strengthening and nurturing our evolving and local economy.”

Launch Pad intends to continue developing the local workforce by continuing to add skill development programs and unique opportunities for our youth.  An Open House is scheduled for Friday April 26th 11 AM – 6 PM to tour Launch Pad and its newest training centre, a 30ft x 40ft woodshop. All are welcome.